It is our job to help you choose the most suitable investments in order to meet your objectives, and then to monitor and maintain them throughout our relationship if you ask us to.
Having agreed your needs, objectives and attitude to risk at the outset we must consider the intended timescale and any ethical concerns you may have before agreeing a strategy and asset allocation appropriate for you. These factors and your tax position will then determine the use of various tax wrappers such as ISAs, pensions and bonds within the overall strategy.
Fund Supermarkets and Wrap Accounts
Where appropriate we advocate the use of online investment platforms for creating and managing portfolios. These give us access to a vast range of investment funds from many different providers from which we can recommend a suitable selection. Please use the links on this page to the websites of Fidelity Fundsnetwork and Cofunds to learn more about this type of service.
For larger portfolios we would consider the use of a "wrap” account. This service can be used to consolidate existing investments into one combined account, with sections for pensions, ISAs and bonds which can each hold cash, shares, unit trusts etc. This service enables us to develop the agreed strategy across the whole account, rebalancing assets where necessary at our regular reviews and reducing your paperwork, all paid from agreed fees taken from the portfolio itself. Any commission then received is credited to your account. Family discounts are available. A wrap gives us access to many types of cost-effective investment which are not widely available to retail investors. For more details, come and talk.
While we keep the whole market for these services under review, we currently tend to use the Transact platform for this purpose, for its high level of service and independence from any investment group. Follow the link below to view their online demo.
Our existing clients can use these links to log in securely to their own accounts via our site. These will take you to other sites which are not connected to the regulated site of Hedley Asset Management Ltd. Neither Hedley Asset Management Ltd nor its representatives can be held responsible for the accuracy of the contents/information contained within the linked sites accessible from this page.